Board Application 2024 - 2025

Applications are now closed

PLNT Students Leiden was looking for a new board.
If you are interested to become onew of the board members for the year 2025 - 2026, follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Board positions

Title Responsibilities
Activation manager You will create and execute events targeted at people crossing paths with PLNT and entrepreneurship for the first time. Starting conversations and speaking in front of people comes easy to you, and you like to inspire others.
Business manager You are responsible for the finances and funding of the association and are in contact with our partners. Maybe you already have a network in Leiden, or are willing to form one. You assist the association by managing the digital infrastructure.
Community manager You are in charge of all things membership, from the acquisition and registration of new members to taking care of our current members. You create a nice atmosphere in the Sandbox (our co-working space) and connect our members with each other as well as the broader PLNT community.
Marketing manager Communication runs through you. This includes emails, taking notes during meetings, as well as marketing. You plan, create and post content to advertise events on Instagram and LinkedIn, and put together the monthly newsletter. You have a good feeling for design and can maybe even take a good picture.
Program manager Your focus lies on creating a programme to inspire and educate members and non-members about entrepreneurship and the possibilities that they have with PLNT. You like to try new things and are able to reflect on the outcome.

Application procedure

  1. You send in your application via our form (link below)
  2. We will contact you to arrange an interview (preferably in person, but online is possible as well)
  3. The interview is aimed at exploring your motivation and matching you with a board position
  4. Within a few weeks, we will let you know if you have been accepted for a board position

Important information

  • The board year starts August 2024 and ends August 2025, with August serving as transitional period between boards
  • You will receive a monthly board allowance of 300€
  • The positions are designed for 16 hours per week
  • You can go on vacations/take time off during the year, but going abroad for a semester is not possible

Applications are closed